March 24, 2022

Homeowners may be facing hidden water damage in the interior walls of their homes. Not infrequently, water damage is caused by builder or contractor negligence or poor craftsmanship, and construction defects that result in deterioration of houses that could cost a large amount to correct.

If you discover water damage in your home, Horn Williamson’s experienced construction attorneys recommend you immediately take four important steps to ensure that you can hold your builder or contractor accountable. That means you may have to go to court, or to arbitration or mediation, to get the justice you deserve.

Step One
Immediately take as many photos as possible. No amount of video or photographic evidence is too much. In court or in arbitration or mediation, photos will be seen as important evidence.

Step Two
Do NOT attempt to fix or repair the problem because you could unintentionally ruin the evidence. Under Pennsylvania law, sometimes photographs and videos are not enough, so you don’t want to risk impairing your case. You need expert advice because your contractor or builder will very likely want to inspect the damage and may have legal representation. So, you should contact a construction attorney for a free consultation as soon as possible.

Step Three
Next, you want to put the builder or contractor on notice. To be safe, you should have an attorney assist you with notification. You may not want to sue the builder or start a legal action; however, a simple letter of notification can preserve your rights.

Step Four
Find a professional to fix the problem, but—and this is important—get more than one estimate! You don’t want to rely on the first estimate; it’s essential to obtain many different estimates to be on the safe side. Do not rely on a contractor to tell you the scope of work. You are better served to get an independent architect, engineer or another builder involved to do a thorough inspection for there may be things that only a trained eye will see and that may be extremely important in the final resolution of the problem.

Finally, for your peace of mind during what is a trying time, call a construction lawyer for a free, no-obligation consultation. Horn Williamson has a team of experienced construction attorneys who have helped many homeowners by explaining their options that aid their decision-making. If you have water damage in your home call Horn Williamson today for a consultation.